Teeth polishing is a dental procedure for cleaning of all kinds of deposits on tooth - best dental clinic in mohali,chandigarh. Teeth polishing can be done either by hand instruments or ultrasonic scaler - best dental clinic in mohali,chandigarh. Which method would be more appropriate for you for teeth polishing can only be determined by your dentist - best dental clinic in mohali,chandigarh. Teeth polishing removes all dirty deposits on your teeth - best dental clinic in mohali,chandigarh. Teeth polishing helps to prevent and treat bad odour of mouth - best dental clinic in mohali,chandigarh. Teeth polishing should be done once every six months - best dental clinic in mohali,chandigarh. You may not know it but ignoring teeth polishing can cause other health issues like stomach disorders , bleeding gums , bad odour etc. -best dental clinic in mohali,chandigarh.
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